Extract Your Teeth For Dentures? 6 Facts To Help You Decide

The first thing a patient may want to do when they come with a painful tooth is to get it pulled out! But of course, an extraction might be the only option in some circumstances, but you and your dentist can decide that together. 

Long-term resources and financial savings may result from making the appropriate decision now. For example, it is frequently necessary to perform a root canal when a patient presents with a tooth constantly hurting. 

Your general dentist or an endodontist can perform a root canal, which replaces the infected pulp inside a tooth’s canal. When the root canal procedure is complete, it is ideal for covering the tooth with a crown. 

Why do you need a crown? Because the root canal eliminates the tooth’s blood supply, the tooth may become fragile and break. When this occurs, the tooth frequently becomes irreparable and must be pulled. 

The surviving tooth will be covered and protected by a crown, which will keep it strong and long-lasting. One possible scenario is shown in this example. Your dentist in Farmington, NM, may suggest different choices.

Some Takeaway Facts To Decide Whether You Should Extract Your Teeth For Dentures

1. It’s Better To Repair Natural Teeth If Possible

This advice may seem unusual coming from a dental facility that removes teeth and implants them in their place rather than restoring them. 

No cash can purchase a remedy that completely restores dental function and aesthetics to match the purity of natural teeth.

2. When Teeth Should Be Extracted, Dentures Should Be Used To Substitute Them

Sometimes it is not practical or possible to repair natural teeth. However, when teeth must be extracted because of injury or decay, the missing ones must function properly and have a natural appearance. 

The most effective, dependable, realistic-looking, and feeling tooth restoration is provided through teeth for dentures. 

Dentures Farmington, NM, can restore dental function up to 90% more effectively than dental implants, which only restore 10% of it. 

Additionally, dentures in Farmington, NM, maintain the osteocytes activated when inserted into the jaw bone, keeping the jaw from shrinking and deteriorating.

3. Dental Implants Can Replace Teeth In A Variety Of Ways

When replacing missing teeth with implants, there is no “one-treatment-fits-all” approach, as every patient is unique and has unique habits, wants, and demands. 

Even when talking about full-mouth transplants, there are many treatment modalities to consider. For example, an implant-retained denture of teeth might suit some patients’ desires for stability and appearance.

4. Teeth Stress When Just A Few Are Left

Having only four natural teeth imposes a lot of strain on them when you eat. The tension of chewing with your surviving upper teeth and the pressure on the bottom teeth they grind against is unhealthy, even though your surviving upper dentures seem to be in good health.

5. Eat Whatever You Want

When we do not have to deal with dentures, dental issues, loose teeth, or oral dysfunction, it is astonishing how much we take for granted. When most of us eat out, we peruse the menu and select whichever entrée sounds appetizing. 

The menu is a long list of items you cannot eat for those of us who wear lower partial dentures and have ongoing dental issues. Don’t you wish you could dine and order whatever you want? 

If you’ve had enough dental problems, make an appointment for a free consultation to determine whether getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth or a loose denture is the best option.

6. Your Jawbone Will Be Impacted If All Of Your Teeth Are Missing

When your teeth are lost, the excitement to the jaw ends, and your body starts to sequester the bone. Your face will droop, and you’ll look aged after 10 to 20 years since you won’t have enough jaw to maintain your face muscles. 

It will be hard, if not unattainable, to maintain a partial front tooth denture in place because of the lost bone. But even with an upper denture, you’ll still experience some pressure.


Your smile and dental health are important to us here at the clinic of dentists in Farmington, NM. Some methods we use are preserving a tooth structure rather than removing it. 

By practicing proper dental hygiene at home and seeing a dentist every six months. You can maintain the strength and health of your teeth. 

Even while you might never require a tooth-saving procedure like a root canal, if you do, we’re here to make the procedure as painless and pleasant as we can. So contact us right away if you have any inquiries!

Can’t Decide? Let The Professionals Help

Looking at the different situations, it’s evident that the options can be intimidating to answer. However, this is where we’d like to end your struggle! Walk into our Sundance Dental & Orthodontics clinic and make the most of your oral health today. Walk in or call us at 505-326-6800 to know more.