Dental Emergency Care Tips: Top Things To Do When You Are In Tooth Trouble


No matter how prepared or safely you live, you cannot deny that a dental emergency can happen anytime! Over 2 million Americans visit the hospital’s ED for their oral health. 

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Knowing what to do during such emergencies can be a great benefactor, equivalent to saving a life. We say this because scheduling your appointment with the dentist during such incidents is impossible.

Keeping the same in mind, this blog explores dental care emergencies in the following:

  • Dental Emergency – How to Spot One?
  • Tips to Successfully Navigate Through Dental Emergency
  • Quick Last-minute Home Remedies for Dental Emergencies

Continue reading as we learn more about oral urgent care in the following sections. 

Dental Emergency – How to Spot One?

As the name suggests, an oral emergency requires you to seek immediate urgent dentist care. These conditions can range from severe toothache to gum bleeding and might pose a threat to your life. 

There are different types of urgent oral crises. However, only some emergencies require a visit. So here’s an outline of some of the more prevalent emergencies when you must consult with an expert:

  • Broken tooth: A shattered tooth may result from an accident or oral decay. If you have a fractured tooth, see a dentist immediately so it may be repaired or fixed.
  • Knocked-out tooth: A knocked-out tooth is a major oral emergency that a dentist must treat immediately. If you have a knocked-out tooth, attempt to discover it and bring it to the dentist so that they can repair it.
  • Toothache: Toothache is among the most common dental emergencies and can be caused by several factors, including tooth decay, infection, or a foreign item stuck in the gums.
  • Bleeding gums: Bleeding gums are another sign of oral emergency. They can be a sign of gum infection or disease. So, if you have bleeding gums, see an oral expert immediately!

Tips to Successfully Navigate Through Dental Emergency

Dental problems can be unpleasant and bothersome at times. You don’t have to run to the emergency dentist if you face such an oral crisis. 

You can use the strategies to relieve your discomfort and have it cured. Here are some ways to deal with any such incidents easily:

1. Identify Dental Emergency

All oral problems are not dental emergencies. Toothaches may wait; if the pain isn’t severe, you don’t need to see the dentist in the middle of the night. Dental emergencies, such as bleeding gums or knocked-out teeth, require immediate medical attention. If your face is bloated and painful, it might result from an infection or an issue only a dentist can treat.

2. Do Not Panic

While panicking is a normal reaction to a crisis, being cool might help you figure out what’s happening. Instead of stressing out, try softly inhaling and exhaling to calm down. You can schedule an appointment with a dental facility that treats dental emergencies.

3. Use First-Aid Techniques

There’s a risk you won’t be able to visit an ER dental emergency immediately. You might perform basic first aid at home to halt the bleeding or relieve the pain. You can preserve a knocked-out tooth in a milk container until you see the dentist.

Various hot and cold compression techniques can help alleviate pain and edema. Rinsing your mouth with salt and water might help to prevent gum infections and bleeding.

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4. Reduce The Chances of Oral Emergency

Taking precautions and seeing the dentist regularly helps avoid dental emergencies. Dental crises are less likely if patients wear mouthguards during sports or get their cavities and infections addressed. Chipped teeth are less likely to occur if you follow your dentist’s instructions and avoid biting on harsh objects.

5. Getting Ready is the Key

You should be prepared to handle an oral emergency. Having first-aid supplies, such as gauze, antiseptic mouthwash, and bandages, might be beneficial in an emergency. You may add your dentist in Bloomfield phone number to your “speed dial.”

6. Take Good Care of Your Teeth and Bleeding Gums 

Brush your teeth at least twice every day. Professionals suggest brushing your teeth first thing in the morning before bed. If you see bleeding gums, see your periodontist right away.

Besides, clean your teeth for at least 2 minutes. It gives you ample time to clean every tooth surface thoroughly. Electric toothbrushes are convenient since they include built-in timers. If you use a manual toothbrush, set a little timer in the bathroom or use your phone.

Quick Last-minute Home Remedies for Dental Emergencies

Object stuck between teeth:

Any object trapped between your teeth is never a pleasant experience. If you run into this difficulty, don’t worry. To remove the item, use toothfloss softly and carefully. Avoid using a pin or sharp instrument since they might damage your teeth or gums. If you cannot remove the item, immediately seek urgent care with a dentist.

Fixing broken braces and wires:

Many individuals find it inconvenient to have a loose tooth or broken wire. The good news is that you can treat it temporarily until you see your dentist. Press the wire to the pencil’s eraser if your braces or wires shatter. 

Cover the end with the little cotton ball till you go to the dentist when you cannot adjust the wire. Attempting to cut the wire might result in eating it.

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Soft-tissue injuries in the mouth:

Soft tissue injuries can be painful. The soft tissues in your mouth are the tongue, cheeks, gums, and lips. They have a large number of blood arteries, which makes them prone to bleeding when harmed. So, what do you do if this occurs? You can accomplish the following:

  • Gargle with light salt water.
  • Apply pressure to the bleeding area with a wet tea bag and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. 
  • If the bleeding continues, see your dentist. Until your anytime dentist treats you, keep applying pressure to the bleeding location with the gauze. 

Fillings and crowns removed:

Losing fillings and crowns can be painful because they leave a hole in your mouth. If this happens, you can apply gum to the mask and temporarily relieve discomfort. When your crown slips off, don’t use glue to reattach it. It is essential to visit your dentist soon and bring your crown.


An abscess is a pus pocket developed in the tissue around your tooth. Bacterial infections often cause abscesses. It might spread to your other teeth and gums if you don’t treat the abscess. 

You should see your dentist as soon as possible when you see an abscess. Rinse your mouth with moderate seawater to relieve the soreness. Following recovery, you must plan frequent checkups to maintain oral health


  • Oral crises are uncalled and unannounced! Once there, you need to ensure that it is resolved as soon as possible.
  • There are different types of oral issues. However, not every problem that you come around qualifies as an emergency. 
  • Navigating through dental emergencies can be challenging! Don’t risk your smile; visit our experts at Sundance Smiles today.