Exploring the Benefits of Family Dental in Farmington


A radiant smile is a universal language that transcends barriers, and the key to maintaining those bright smiles lies in family dental care

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Sadly, 48% of children between 2-17 don’t usually get the recommended dental checkups. This is mostly because most adults have no idea about family dentistry. 

Family Dental in Farmington revolves around a holistic approach to oral health. It offers numerous benefits for everyone in your family.  

This blog looks closely at different aspects of oral care.

  • Role of Family Dentists in Improving Oral Health
  • Are Family Dentists Different From Regular Dentists?
  • Services Provided By Family Dental Professionals
  • Benefits of Family-Focused Oral Care – Why Connect With One at the Earliest?

Continue reading as we understand more about the role of family dentists in the long run. 

Role of Family Dentists in Improving Oral Health

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends visiting the dentist at least once a year for a routine examination and cleaning, but 42% of adults admit they don’t visit the dentist regularly. 

Interestingly, bi-annual dental checkups can prevent major dental problems. 

Family dentists are vital in providing comprehensive oral health care for patients of all ages. They often offer various services, including routine check-ups, cleanings, X-rays, and treatment.

Your dentist in Farmington, New Mexico, is trained to handle the oral needs of patients of different ages. They offer comprehensive services from pediatric care to addressing issues in adults and seniors.

What Does A Family Oral Care Entail?

Family dental care usually emphasizes preventive measures. The professional dentist will ensure that every member receives regular check-ups, from the youngest to the oldest. 

This approach helps identify and address all oral health issues before they escalate, saving time and money in the long run. They comprehensively understand each member’s unique oral history and provide treatment accordingly.

While working with the young ones of your loved ones, the normal dentist will focus on preventive care and education. At the same time, services of adult members and seniors usually include restorative procedures and treatments for age-related oral health.

Are Family Dentists Different From Regular Dentists?

No, there are numerous differences between a family and a regular dentist!

The primary distinction between the two is that a family dentist specializes in operations for patients of all ages. Instead of visiting many dentists, you may meet your loved one’s requirements in one place.

They focus on educating patients of all ages about proper tooth-cleaning techniques. They ensure that you and your children maintain proper care habits outside of their clinic, whether they are teaching a kid basic brushing skills or showing an older patient how to clean their dentures.

Services Provided By Family Dental Professionals

Family dentists are experts in dentistry for all ages. Here are some of the services offered by these professionals:

  • Pediatric Care

Cavities are one of the most dominating problems among children.Family dentist is well-prepared to address them. Children with smaller mouths require special instruments, and dentists are equipped with them.

They will also help your child develop healthy oral habits, which are quite effective in the long run.

  • Gum Diseases

Periodontitis or gum disease usually infects and damages the soft tissue of the gums, leading to tooth loss. To diagnose you with gum disease, your family dentist might discuss your oral habits so that he can understand and determine the risk factors you have. 

These experts will also check your mouth for signs of plaque and bleeding. There are both surgical and non-surgical remedies for solving the problem.

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  • Cosmetic Dentistry

Family dentists are often skilled at enhancing your smile and self-image through cosmetic dentistry. 

They can fix cracked or chipped teeth by putting on porcelain veneers, removing the stains from teeth or discoloration using teeth whitening procedures, and more.

  • Orthodontic Dentistry

Tooth injuries, increased risks of gum disease, and other serious health problems can lead to tooth loss. Other orthodontic problems include malocclusion, missing, broken, or painful teeth. 

These cause difficulties while eating, talking, and even digestion. One of the ways to treat orthodontic problems is by using implants that feel and look like your natural teeth.

  • Emergency Care

Family dentists are experts at handling emergencies like any tooth injury resulting in chipped or broken teeth, toothaches, and other urgent issues. 

Benefits of Family-focused Oral Care – Why Connect With One at the Earliest?

  • Identifying dental troubles that run in the family:

Most of us have heard that our health” portrait” includes various hues such as lifestyle, diet, exercise, and genetic factors. It is true for specific issues as well. 

It has been seen that genetic factors can cause children’s teeth to be more cavity-prone. Your dentist will have the collective data of your entire family, so it will be easy for him to identify any probable trouble trend that might be hereditary and then plan out treatment actions accordingly.

  • Provide early dental hygiene training:

You must teach your toddlers from an early age to brush their teeth using fluoride toothpaste. Your dentist can provide you with the necessary support so that you can teach your children about good dental hygiene practices from a young age. This will reduce the risks of various oral problems in the long run.

  • Emergency care is always on the go:

Kids fall, sustain injuries, and experience dental trauma, whether it’s a broken tooth or chipped.  In such instances, your child requires emergency treatment, which your dentist can provide. They can also treat other emergencies that occur to any member of your family.

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  • Provides peak convenience:

Coordinating appointments for the entire family can be a logistical challenge. The process will allow multiple members to schedule appointments on the same day, saving time and reducing the burden of numerous visits. This also helps maintain consistency as the appointment process is simple and hassle-free!

  • Help your family see oral care in a positive light:

Dental anxiety is relatively common, especially in younger children. However, regular dentist visits can help your members feel more comfortable and at ease. This allows them to become more familiar with the environment while establishing a good relationship with the staff at the office.


  • Family and dentistry are two identical terms! Regular check-ups and cleanings are crucial for preventing oral issues. 
  • Dentists consider every member’s unique needs and preferences when creating treatment plans.
  • Family dental practice often prioritizes emergency appointments to address urgent issues promptly.
  • Family oral care practices may offer cost-effective solutions for multiple members, making dental care more affordable for families.
  • Safeguard the smile of your loved ones with our smile experts at Sundance Smiles. Visit them today!